One of the challenges in developing mobile websites is finding good examples. Over at eduStyle (@edustyle) Stewart Foss (@stewartfoss) has made things a bit easier for designers and developers by launching a mobile design gallery focused on higher ed. If you're not familiar with eduStyle the basic premise is that it catalogs screenshots of sites, now including mobile sites, that users then can comment on and critique. So it's a great way to gather ideas and narrow down the search for finding the mobile design that's going to work best for your institution based on feedback from other higher ed professionals.
If you already have a higher ed mobile site I would strongly encourage you to submit a screenshot of your site to the mobile design gallery. Not only will you be helping others out (and maybe getting a few five star ratings in the process, that never hurts the ego) but one of the cooler features of eduStyle is the ability to track redesigns so it'd be great to see, graphically, the evolution of mobile design in higher ed.
This new mobile design gallery, coupled with the Higher Ed Mobile Directory, is making it much easier to get an idea of what is out there in higher ed mobile. Kudos to Stewart to creating what I expect will be a great resource for folks.