The 2012 State of the Mobile Web in Higher Ed – Take the survey, get the results

Karine Joly (@karinejoly) of Higher Ed Experts is currently running a survey regarding the state of mobile web at higher education institutions. Please, take a moment and fill it out. In the interest of full disclosure, I will be presenting on mobile strategy for Karine and Higher Ed Experts on March 13, 2012 as a part of the Higher Ed Mobile Summit. I will be joined by Stewart Foss (@stewartfoss) and Nick DeNardis (@nickdenardis). It promises to be a good overview of what mobile means to higher education as well as useful tips on how to get started.

The full note from Karine regarding her survey is below:


I'd like to invite you to complete this short survey about the state of the mobile web (mobile websites, apps, etc.) at your institution:

This is the second edition of this survey and 105 of your colleagues already completed it but we need more. Its goal is to assess how colleges and universities respond to the needs of the increasing population of mobile device owners.

Please take the survey whether or not your institution has a mobile solution - as I'm trying to evaluate the current state for higher education as a whole – and not just for early adopters.

The results of this survey will be used for presentations and articles. Anybody who completes the survey will receive a copy of the executive summary of the survey report as well.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks for your time and your help.


Higher Ed Mobile Web Summit

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