Tooling around SlideShare and Speaker Deck I ran across some new presentations that I thought folks should be aware of.
- Adaptive Mobile UX Design by Jen Matson (@nstop)
- Choose Your Mobile Adventure by Jason Grigsby (@grigs)
- Developing Successful Content Management Solutions by Karen McGrane (@karenmcgrane)
- Everyone Connected by Jonathan Stark (@jonathanstark)
- For a Future Friendly Web by Brad Frost (@brad_frost)
- *Get Me a Mobile Strategy or YOU'RE FIRED! by Jason Grigsby (@grigs)
* - Selling the Mobile Web by Brad Frost (@brad_frost)
- The Time for Mobile is Now (PDF) by Jason Spero, head of Google Mobile Ads, Americas
Also, the M3 Conference version of my talk Developing a Progressive Mobile Strategy is also now available.