**Update on November 23, 2011:* This slidedeck & notes from this talk are now available on SlideShare.*
I'm happy to say that I'll be giving my "Developing a Progressive Mobile Strategy" talk at the M3 Conference (@m3conf) in Columbus, OH on November 18. I'm going to expand on the talk that I've given before and, hopefully, offer a little more insight into discoverability and how it affects solutions that users choose to answer their mobile needs.
The M3 Conference bills itself as:
… a very unique event that sets itself apart from other conferences by focusing on not just one, but all aspects of the mobile development industry. The goal of the conference is to provide education and networking opportunities for the professional community focused around development, design, promotion and the business of the mobile industry.
Their are five tracks so their are lots of options. Topics look to range from higher level talks like mine and the likes of Brad Frost (@brad_frost) (who is presenting on future friendly) to talks that should be focused on development for specific platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7.
The best part of the conference? The price. It's currently only $75 to register. That's a great deal if you in higher education and want to learn more about mobile.
If you're interested in going and haven't registered yet hit me up. I have two discount codes to give away. I'd love to see a nice representation from higher education from places like Pittsburgh, Columbus, and locations west at the conference.